Robert is the Registrar of the Dubai International Arbitration Centre; a former Partner and Chief Operating Officer of specialist arbitration boutique, Ghaffari Partners; and the former Registrar of the DIFC-LCIA Arbitration Centre and Dubai Financial Services Authority’s Financial Markets Tribunal. Prior to that, he practiced with Herbert Smith Freehills in London, Paris, Moscow, and Dubai for more than a decade. He has been based in the United Arab Emirates since 2011.
Robert has acted as counsel in international disputes across a wide range of industries and sectors. He has represented clients from Asia, the Middle East, North America and Western and Eastern Europe in international arbitrations under all the major institutional rules, as well as in ad-hoc proceedings, seated in various jurisdictions and subject to civil and common laws. He also sits as an arbitrator.
As Registrar, he has a proven track record of putting users, party-counsel, and arbitrators first. In 2020, he was credited in GAR’s Guide to Regional Arbitration with building one of the world’s fastest growing arbitral institutions and the leading arbitral institution with operations in the Middle East and Africa (DIFC-LCIA). In the same year, the DIFC-LCIA was awarded the GAR Award for Regional Arbitration Institution that Impressed.
09:00 AM - 06:30 PM
Updated at: 14/07/2024