Carolyn Lamm, Partner, White & Case LLP, Chair International Arbitration of the Americas. Lead Counsel in international arbitrations in ICSID, ICC and other fora and related litigation in U.S. Courts for foreign states, foreign state-owned companies, and foreign corporate entities. Arbitrator on the ICSID List, first nominated by the United States and then by the Government of Uzbekistan. Served as arbitrator in ICSID proceedings, ICC proceedings, SAIC proceedings, ICDR proceedings, AAA proceedings, etc. Distinguished Faculty Co-Chair, White & Case LLM International Arbitration at the University of Miami School of Law. Immediate Past President, American Bar Endowment. Member, Advisory Council and previously Governing Board of ICCA; Council of the American Law Institute (elected 1999): Counselor/on Advisory Committee for the Restatement 4th of Foreign Relations; Advisory Committee for the Restatement of International Commercial and Investment Arbitration. Past President: DC Bar; American Bar Association. Frequent lecturer and author in the field of international arbitration. Chairman of the Board of the American-Uzbekistan U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Member Board of Trustees, University of Miami (2020-2023); honorary Professor Tashkent State University, School of Law.
01:30 PM - 06:30 PM
Updated at: 14/07/2024