SCCA Arabic Moot 6 - SIAM 6 - Awards and Final Ceremony

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SCCA Arabic Moot 6 - SIAM 6 - Awards and Final Ceremony


05:00 PM - 06:00 PM

SCCA International Arabic Moot (SIAM6) is a legal competition for students at faculties of Sharia and law at Arab universities and beyond. Participants compete to plead a hypothetical arbitration case simulating an international commercial case, thereby polishing their legal skills to plead before international arbitral tribunals and elevating their personal competence and legal knowledge to give them a full picture of the law and procedures.  Because of the international importance of arbitration as an alternative means for resolving commercial disputes, SCCA aims to encourage these students to study international commercial law and study commercial arbitration and the associated law. SIAM equips them with the necessary practical skills and puts them into contact with top international arbitrators and elite law firms, opening the door to career opportunities for outstanding students, as well as highlighting Arab talent, and enabling them to compete at the international level.


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00 SAR


Dr. Walid Abanumay

Dr. Walid Abanumay

Chair of the Board of Directors


Dr. Abdulmohsin Al-Zuhair

Dr. Abdulmohsin Al-Zuhair

Director & Managing Counsel, International Litigation & ADR Law Department

Saudi Aramco

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab C.Arb FCiarb

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab C.Arb FCiarb

Professor of International Arbitration Private International Law and English Contract Law Cairo University Founding Partner & Head of International Arbitration Construction and Energy Groups Zulficar & Partners

Zulficar & Partners Law Firm

Munif Bajamil

Munif Bajamil

Director of Professional Development

Saudi Center for Commercial Arbitration

Dr. Abdullatif Al al-Sheikh

Dr. Abdullatif Al al-Sheikh

Dean of the College of Law and Political Sciences



Hilton Riyadh Hotel and Residences

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Updated at: 14/07/2024

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  • Registration Fees: Once paid, event registration fees are non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable. Fees are valid exclusively for entry to RIDW25.
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